how to stay Sober In Times Of Stress

Casey McGuire Davidson: Staying Sober In Times Of Stress
The Family Brain Podcast
Megan Gipson and I sat down for a chat 4 months into the COVID 19 pandemic and quarantine.We had an awesome conversation and Megan is even taking a break from drinking now to see how good she can feel without alcohol in her life.Spoiler: Since she’s stopped drinking Megan’s noticed is how many other things she can do instead of drinking and reports she feels so much clearer!
In the podcast we wanted to dive into women and drinking during this stressful time.
We touch on a bunch of important topics…
- How women are now pulling a “double-double” shift with work, motherhood and (now) homeschooling.
- We talk about the rise in women drinking at home during COVID 19 and the quarantine.
- Why women may set up their lives in a way where they feel like they need to drink to tolerate their responsibilities and schedules.
- Strategies that women can use to stop relying on alcohol as a coping tool for stress and overwhelm.
- How to talk to people about taking a break from drinking without adopting labels or making it a big deal.
- The benefits of not drinking: improved sleep, better skin, more energy, less anxiety, more calm.
About The family Brain Podcast
The Family Brain is a podcast about how the mental well being of one family member affects the entire family system. This is a supportive community to share research, resources, stories, and life hacks for keeping the family brain healthy. Hosted by Megan Gipson, LCSW, Ed.M.

About The Author
I’m Casey McGuire Davidson, a certified life, mindset, sobriety and success coach.
I work with successful women who are ready to drink less and live more.
If you’re reevaluating your relationship with alcohol and have decided that drinking isn’t working in your life anymore I’d love to talk to you.
You can find more about my work and private coaching, as well as additional support resources at