Hello, I’m Casey

I’m a life + sobriety coach helping busy women quit drinking. 




If you’re reading this I’m guessing that you may have come to a point in your life where you’re reevaluating your relationship with alcohol.

Maybe you’re tired and you feel stuck.

Perhaps you’ve woken up after a drinking bottle of wine on a weeknight, again, feeling sad and anxious.

You decide you’re going to drink less, starting tonight. But by 6 pm you can’t wait for your next glass.

Somehow you can’t seem to end this cycle.

I’ve been there.

For me, it started with a glass of wine, and then it became the bottle.


Here’s my story…

Are you ready to get out of the drinking cycle?

Every day I work with women just like you to stop drinking as a way to cope, relax, celebrate and decompress.

Look, I know you’re busy. And I’m guessing sobriety coaching isn’t at the top of your to-do list. You’re smart, capable and productive. You take care of people, managing work deadlines & finances, business trips & family vacations, school conferences & sports practices.

Oh, and you might be drinking too much…

If drinking is your favorite way to relax, but waking up at 3 am with anxiety is getting old, you’re ready for a change.

Trying to cut back on your drinking is hard, but I can make it easier.

You just need the right support and a proven roadmap. 

My Story

After 20 years of climbing the corporate ladder at big companies and small startups, I wasn’t in love with the life I was living.

My life looked pretty good from the outside, but didn’t feel as good on the inside.

I had too many commitments and not enough hours in the day.

I was constantly going, yet filled with an anxious energy I could never quite release.

I’d hurry home after work, feeling desperate to relax, and immediately open a bottle of wine.

I’d drink the bottle, and sometimes more, while cooking dinner, helping with homework, doing the dishes, and watching TV.

And then I would wake up at 3 am with my mind racing and my heart pounding, feeling like complete shit.

I’d worry about how to handle the business trip next week, get to day care pick up on time, manage everything in-between and how I’d get through the morning with a headache and a hangover.


It was exhausting – the producing, delivering, overthinking, self-sabotage, overcompensating and trying to look like I had it all together.

Running through my head on a semi-constant loop were thoughts like…

  • What’s wrong with me? Why am I so stressed out? How can I turn off my mind?
  • Maybe I need a regular yoga practice? A good therapist? A girl’s night?
  • I should meditate. And also train for a 10 K.
  • I really need to write this all down.
  • Or I could just open another bottle of wine…


Something needed to change. 

I wanted to feel happy, in control and at peace.

I became a Certified Life Coach and a Master Practitioner in Core Energy Leadership to help other successful women who’ve gotten into the habit of drinking too much or too often, reevaluate their relationship with alcohol, get out of overwhelm, and create lives they love.

My Training

I received my Certified Professional Coach (CPC) designation and my Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner Certification (ELI-MP) through iPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. iPEC is one of the largest and most respected International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach training programs in the world. I am also a SHE RECOVERS® Coach, which means that I am trained in and my work aligns with the SHE RECOVERS® Intentions & Guiding Principles.

Beyond The Bio

I’m a practical dreamer, a retired people-pleaser, an ex-red wine drinker, a homebody, and a world traveler.

I live in the Seattle, Washington area with my husband, son, daughter and two adorable Siberian Tabbies.

Despite being a recovering corporate ladder climber, my 20 years in digital marketing, 5 years at the world’s largest cosmetics company and stint at the headquarters of Seattle’s most famous coffee company have left a lasting impact…

I love photography and am fascinated by website design and the psychology of font choices.

I follow the evolution of cyber week marketing strategies much too closely.

I’m tempted to buy anything and everything sold at Ulta and Sephora.

And I have a serious coffee habit I’m unwilling to kick.

Day 50! I'd say this is the longest I've ever gone without drinking, aside from my pregnancies, but I'm not sure even that's entirely true. For the first time deciding not to drink doesn't feel like a punishment or that I'm having to turn my back on something good; this feels like taking a deliberate, enthusiastic step toward something positive.

– Lauren, Illinois, (Now at SIX MONTHS+)

"Today I have been alcohol free for 120 days! Believe me, when I started out getting to this point seemed impossible! 120 days is three times longer than I made it last year on my own. Casey’s support and guidance as a coach has been invaluable in this process. One thing that has surprised me is what a positive effect being alcohol free has had on every area of my life!"

Liz, Georgia (Now at SIX MONTHS+)

"just hit 50 days and this is my longest sober streak in decades! I’ve tried a lot of things to stop drinking in the past. I’ve kept a journal, joined online sobriety courses, read all the sobriety memoirs, juice cleansed, meditated etc. - all with very limited success. I am extremely introverted and normally hate speaking on the phone - so I was worried that ‘coaching’ would not work well for me - but I took a leap of faith and hired Casey. "

– Sarah, Toronto, (Now on Day 180+)

"I love Casey’s energy and vibe. Casey is approachable and real. She’s able to get to the essence of a problem or need and find the gold. Casey is empathetic, proactive and dynamic. I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t benefit from working with her."

Kenna, Seattle, WA

Get The Free 30-Day Sober Guide That Has Helped 20,000 Women Take A Break From Drinking. 10 Tips For Your First Month Alcohol-Free From Hello Someday Coaching.

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