Featured Podcast Episode:

Why Moms Do It All and How To Get Your Partner To Do More

Why Moms Do It All and How To Get Your Partner To Do More

Fair play - Why Moms Do It All and How To Get Your Partner To Do More If you’ve ever felt like you’re doing everything in your household—while your partner somehow has time to watch SportsCenter or scroll on their phone—you’re not alone. Managing the invisible load of...

More Sobriety Podcast Episodes:

Rebuilding Trust With Your Body In Sobriety

Rebuilding Trust With Your Body In Sobriety

Rebuilding Trust With Your Body In Sobriety If you’re a sober curious woman or in the early stages of sobriety, chances are you’ve spent years feeling disconnected from your body.  Whether it was waking up with hangovers, feeling puffy and bloated, trying (and...

How To Not Hate Your Husband After Kids

How To Not Hate Your Husband After Kids

How To Not Hate Your Husband After Kids If you’re a mom who has ever found yourself seething with resentment while your partner somehow gets to sleep in, take leisurely bathroom breaks, or “helps” with the kids by taking them to the park for an hour while you tackle...

Drinking Games And The Pressure To Be Perfect

Drinking Games And The Pressure To Be Perfect

Drinking Games & The Pressure To Be Perfect Have you ever felt like you had to be perfect? That you had to succeed effortlessly, without anyone seeing how hard you were working? I know I did. And for a long time, drinking felt like the thing that helped me pull it...

Simple Practices For Alcohol-Free Life: How To Thrive Without Alcohol

Simple Practices For Alcohol-Free Life: How To Thrive Without Alcohol

Simple Practices For Alcohol-Free Life: How To Thrive Without Drinking If you’re rethinking your relationship with alcohol or navigating early sobriety, you know it’s not always easy. From stressful days at work to the chaos of kids, marriage, and a never-ending to-do...

High-Functioning Codependency: What It Is and How to Break Free

High-Functioning Codependency: What It Is and How to Break Free

High-Functioning Codependency: What It Is and How to Break Free Do you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Are you the one everyone turns to when things go sideways at work, home, or with friends?  And yet, despite all your effort and...

How To Stay Motivated In Sobriety Beyond Your First 100 Days

How To Stay Motivated In Sobriety Beyond Your First 100 Days

How To Stay Motivated In Sobriety Beyond Your First 100 Days 💬 How can you stay motivated in sobriety once the novelty has worn off? 💬 Have you ever wondered what happens after the first 100 days of sobriety? 💬 What do you need to do to stay grounded and inspired at...

How To Build Your Sober Toolbox

How To Build Your Sober Toolbox

Navigating life without alcohol can feel overwhelming at times, especially when you’re just starting out. You might wonder: What do I need to stay alcohol-free? How do I handle stress, cravings, and social situations? And what’s the secret to building a life that...

New Year, New You! How To Stop Drinking and Start Living Fully

New Year, New You! How To Stop Drinking and Start Living Fully

Have you been thinking about taking a break from alcohol this January? Maybe you’re tired of waking up groggy, frustrated with yourself, or stuck in a cycle that no longer feels good. You might even wonder: 💬 What would life feel like if I stopped drinking? 💬 Could I...

What It Means To Be Sober Curious With Ruby Warrington

What It Means To Be Sober Curious With Ruby Warrington

Have you ever wondered what it means to be sober curious? Maybe you’re not ready to give up alcohol forever, but you’re starting to question if it’s truly adding value to your life.  You might be sober curious if you’re asking yourself… 🤔 What role is alcohol playing...

How To Make And Keep Friends In Sobriety

How To Make And Keep Friends In Sobriety

Friendships in sobriety can feel like uncharted territory. When drinking has been at the heart of your social life, stepping away from alcohol may make you wonder 💬 Can I still connect with my friends in sobriety? 💬 Will I lose people who matter to me? 💬 And how do I...

How To Not Sweat The Small Stuff In Sobriety

How To Not Sweat The Small Stuff In Sobriety

How To Not Sweat The Small Stuff In Sobriety If stress, overwhelm, or perfectionism feels like it’s running your life, sobriety offers the perfect chance to hit reset. Sobriety isn’t just about quitting drinking—it’s about building a calmer, more intentional, and...

How To Build Resilience In Sobriety

How To Build Resilience In Sobriety

If you've ever tried to stop drinking or take a longer break from alcohol, you know how tough it can be. Sobriety isn’t just about quitting alcohol—it’s about building the strength to navigate life’s challenges without numbing out. Stress, overwhelm, work, kids,...

Sober Holiday Tips for Navigating the Season Without Drinking

Sober Holiday Tips for Navigating the Season Without Drinking

LET'S DO DRY JULY TOGETHER →Wondering how to enjoy a sober holiday season and navigate all the drinking events, family dynamics and triggers alcohol-free?  The holidays are here—a time for joy, connection, and celebration. But if you’re navigating the festive season...

How to Parent in Recovery and Create a Sober Family Lifestyle

How to Parent in Recovery and Create a Sober Family Lifestyle

Being a Parent in Recovery - How To Create A Sober Family Lifestyle. If you’re a busy mom juggling work, kids and all the other responsibilities in life, you may feel like you’ve been holding it all together (barely) with the "help" of a few drinks at the end of the...

How The Wine Industry Targets Women To Drink Problematically

How The Wine Industry Targets Women To Drink Problematically

Have you seen the “Rosé All Day” t-shirts? Or the ones that say “This Mom Runs On Coffee, Wine and Amazon Prime”?  How about the World Health Organization’s findings that “No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health”?  In this episode, I’m diving into the...

What Is Gray Area Drinking? How To Exit The Drinking Cycle

What Is Gray Area Drinking? How To Exit The Drinking Cycle

What is Gray Area Drinking? How To Exit The Drinking Cycle With Jolene Park What is Gray Area Drinking?Gray Area Drinking describes a middle ground, where you may not identify with the extremes of social drinking or severe alcohol use disorder (sometimes referred to...

How Anger Management Will Support Your Sobriety

How Anger Management Will Support Your Sobriety

Anger Management in Sobriety: A Guide for Women Navigating Recovery Managing anger is one of the most challenging, and often surprising, aspects of sobriety. If you're on the path to recovery or have recently stopped drinking, you might have noticed emotions like...

How To Support Your Husband If He’s Struggling With Alcohol

How To Support Your Husband If He’s Struggling With Alcohol

If you’re trying to take a break from alcohol or quit drinking it helps a lot if you can get alcohol out of your house and stay away from drinking events for a while. And it would be great if our partners would support us, especially in early sobriety. But if your...

Casey McGuire Davidson, Sobriety Coach for Busy, High-Achieving Women at Hello Someday Coaching

Hello, I’m Casey

Podcast Host, Life + Sobriety Coach For Sober Curious Women

Welcome to the Hello Someday Sobriety Podcast, a Top 100 Mental Health Podcast for sober curious women and gray area drinkers.

Are you looking for the best sobriety podcast for women?

With over 250 episodes, 1.75 Million downloads + a show ranked in the top 0.5% globally, you’ve come to the right place!

In The Hello Someday Podcast you’ll find weekly interviews with quit lit authors, sober coaches, therapists and thought leaders within the recovery space to help you understand gray area drinking, addiction, alcohol, wine mom culture, sobriety, mental health, drinking and quitting drinking.

Each week I’ll bring you tools, lessons and conversations to teach you the tried and true secrets of creating a life you love without alcohol.

If you’re ready to turn the decision to stop drinking from a worst case scenario to the best decision of your life, The Hello Someday Podcast is the guide you need to drink less and live more. 

Read More About Me 

3 Ways I Can Support You In Drinking Less + Living More

❤️ Join The Sobriety Starter Kit® Program, the only sober coaching course designed specifically for busy women. 

🧰 Grab the Free 30-Day Guide To Quitting Drinking, Tips For Your First Month Alcohol-Free.

💥 Connect with me on Instagram.

Or you can find me on Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and TikTok @hellosomedaysober.

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So if you want to support the hours that go into creating this show each week, click this link to buy me a coffee and I’ll run to the nearest Starbucks + lift a Venti Almond Milk Latte and toast to you!


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I’ll be forever grateful to hear from you and to read reviews like this one from Laura,

“I’ve listened to so many sober podcasts and The Hello Someday Podcast is by far THE BEST Sobriety Podcast out there for women. This podcast was key to me quitting alcohol. Casey’s practical tips and tricks are invaluable, with advice I haven’t heard anywhere else. If I could give this podcast 27 stars I would!!”

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