Sobriety Starter Kit®

Surviving Mommy Wine Culture

Surviving Mommy Wine Culture

In the Sober Audio Message above, I talk about how the Mommy Wine Culture has been created to target us to drink more. And what to do about it. Advertising, social media and popular culture have been encouraging us to drink more for years. We've told been told that...

How To Survive The Witching Hour

How To Survive The Witching Hour

I'm curious if you've experienced this when you're trying to quit drinking... You'll wake up after another night of too much wine feeling terrible. You'll decide that you don't want to do this anymore. You want to feel healthy, optimistic, happy and proud of yourself....



Have you decided that drinking isn't working in your life anymore? You're not alone. And drinking (or not drinking) doesn't need to define your whole life.  I'm Casey. I'm a Certified Life Coach who works with women who have decided that drinking isn't working in...

Early Sobriety Self Care

Early Sobriety Self Care

How can you set yourself up for success in early sobriety? Let's talk self care. Listen to the sober support audio above to get started. If you've been going through life pushing yourself in every way, over-scheduling, putting your head down to get through your...

The Nice Girl’s Guide To Saying No and Setting Boundaries

The Nice Girl’s Guide To Saying No and Setting Boundaries

The Nice Girl's Guide To Saying No*. *How to set boundaries and take care of yourself Without feeling like a total slacker. Most of us have been conditioned since we were little girls to be helpful. To be nice. To work hard and get along. To work for gold stars and be...

Get The Free 30-Day Sober Guide That Has Helped 20,000 Women Take A Break From Drinking. 10 Tips For Your First Month Alcohol-Free From Hello Someday Coaching.

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