Looking for a guest to talk about Women + alcohol, drinking, quitting drinking, motherhood + wellness?
I love having honest conversations that help women reevaluate their relationship with alcohol.
As the host of The Hello Someday Podcast, a top 100 mental health podcast for sober curious women (ranked in the top 0.5% globally with over 1.7 Million downloads), and as a guest on other shows, I’ve had hundreds of conversations on subjects related to women + alcohol, drinking + quitting drinking, stress, anxiety + healthy coping mechanisms, habit change, motherhood + wellness.
I’m a Certified Professional Life and Sobriety Coach, author of 30 Tips For Your First 30 Days – A Guide For Busy Women Quitting Drinking, and creator of the on-demand sober coaching course, The Sobriety Starter Kit®.
As Seen In

Most Loved Conversations
Here are a few of my favorite interview topics
Tools, tips and tricks you need to get through your first 30 Days without alcohol
How to break free of the ‘wine mom’ culture
My story: How I went from drinking a bottle of wine a night to alcohol-free
Why you don’t need to be an “alcoholic” to decide drinking isn’t working in your life
Why wine has become the go-to coping tool for working mothers
How to have fun in sobriety
Grey area drinking + the sober curious movement
Boundaries, people pleasing + self care in early sobriety
The feminization of alcohol marketing targeting women and mothers
Sober travel: How to plan for and enjoy alcohol-free vacations
The mistakes most women make when trying to take a break from alcohol
How to talk to your friends and family about your decision to stop drinking
The fears most women have about giving up alcohol
Looking for a guest for your podcast, radio show, or article?
I’d love to talk!
Press Packet
professional long bio
Casey’s a Certified Professional Life and Sobriety Coach, author of 30 Tips For Your First 30 Days – A Guide For Busy Women Quitting Drinking, creator of the on-demand sober coaching course, The Sobriety Starter Kit®, and host of The Hello Someday Podcast, the podcast for busy women ready to drink less + live more. She’s a wife and mom who spent 20 years climbing the corporate ladder while holding on tightly to her love of red wine. Casey specializes in working with women with full calendars and overflowing to-do lists, who are doing all the things and then coming home and drinking to forget about all the things. She offers private one-on-one coaching and an on-demand sober coaching course to take you from Day 1 to Day 100 and beyond.
professional short bio
Casey is a Certified Professional Life & Sobriety Coach, host of The Hello Someday Podcast, author of 30 Tips For Your First 30 Days – A Guide For Busy Women Quitting Drinking and creator of the on-demand sober coaching course, The Sobriety Starter Kit®. Casey specializes in working with busy, successful women who are ready to drink less + live more.
Hello Someday Coaching Links
Free 30 Day Guide To Quitting Drinking
The Hello Someday Podcast
The Sobriety Starter Kit® Online Course
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Casey McGuire Davidson is a certified life coach who helps busy women quit drinking and create lives they love without alcohol. She’s a wife, a mom, a practical dreamer, recovering corporate ladder climber, retired people-pleaser and ex-red wine drinker, who’s been known to crawl into bed at 9 pm and whisper “Don’t worry…you’re still a badass” to herself. Read more.